
Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic School! We appreciate you visiting our website in consideration of becoming part of the St. Joseph School community. St. Joseph provides academic excellence in a Christ centered environment where your child will be enriched, nurtured, taught Christian values and learn to live and model them.

Our talented and caring faculty foster an atmosphere of learning, leadership, and creativity. They will inspire your child to learn, discover and encourage each student to use their unique gifts and share them with one another.

We understand that choosing the right school for your child takes a lot of prayer and thought. We believe that St. Joseph is the place where your child will thrive academically, grow in moral character, and build lifelong friendships.

If you would like to visit our school, please call us at 814-723-2030. We look forward to meeting you!


We are fortunate to have a remarkable and compassionate community, as well as students who attend our school on a daily basis. We kindly invite you to peruse our gallery, which showcases exceptional photographs that exemplify this sentiment.